Chicken salad is already loaded with beautiful flavors and textures. Then, when you make it into a sandwich, you can add juicy tomatoes, crisp lettuce, rich cheese, and of course, two slices of perfectly toasted bread or flaky croissants. Not only is it hearty and delicious, but it also has all the essential nutrients you need in a meal, from carbohydrates and fiber to protein and fats. Everyone has their own favorite chicken salad recipe. Some spice it up with curry, some use yogurt, and others, like me, stick to the classic mayo dressing. Whatever your preference is, one thing’s for sure – chicken salad sandwiches are the bomb. But, while the superb sandwich works well as a stand-alone dish for lunch, it might not be enough to fill you up for the rest of the day. That’s why, whenever I serve it for lunch or dinner, I make sure to whip up a side dish to go along with it. Something crunchy and salty, or maybe sweet and light. Either way, it doesn’t take much to create a well-balanced meal. So, let’s take a look at these tasty sides dishes so you never have to wonder what to serve with chicken salad sandwiches again.

1. Green Salad 

Since a chicken salad sandwich is rich and savory, you’ll want something light and refreshing to balance things out. A great way to brighten up your meal is by serving a crisp, green salad. Choose whatever greens, veggies, protein, and fats you feel like eating, but don’t opt for a creamy dressing. You’ve already got the chicken salad to take care of that! Instead, you’ll want a tangy vinaigrette to downplay the creaminess of the sandwich. So just coat your salad fixings with olive oil and white wine vinegar and season with salt and pepper. Yum!

2. Fruit Salad

Fruit salad makes a fantastic side to go with your chicken salad sandwich. The sweet and tangy flavors of the fruits balance out the creaminess of your main dish and add a hint of acidity I think you’ll love. Plus, it’s super simple to prepare! Just pick whatever fruits you have on hand, slice them up, and toss them in light syrup or a touch of orange juice. Another terrific option is this recipe which uses peach pie filling. The added juices make this fruit salad recipe one to remember! You can serve all kinds of fruits, from mangoes and grapes to watermelon and cantaloupe to strawberries and blueberries. The more, the merrier!

3. Cheese Platter

It might sound a little extra, but a single-serving cheese platter is the ideal side dish to serve with chicken salad sandwiches. I always say cheese makes everything better, and chicken salad sandwiches are no exception. Instead of adding a slice of cheese to your sandwich, why not have a whole spread of your favorite cheeses? Yum! 

4. Vegetable Platter

If you want something less sweet to serve with your sandwich, how about a vegetable platter? It’s just as refreshing but also adds a nice crunch to the meal.  When picking vegetables, opt for ones that are firm, crunchy, and can be eaten raw, such as carrots, celery, and cucumber. You can also use broccoli and cauliflower, but be sure to blanch them before serving. While these vegetables may have wonderful crunchiness to offer, there’s not much going on, taste-wise. Don’t worry! All you need is a creamy and flavorful dip such as a Ranch dressing. Problem solved!

5. Baguette

It’s no question that chicken salad is best eaten with bread. It’s way too rich to eat on its own, and bread is excellent at toning down its strong flavor. Now, in terms of what bread to use, honestly, you can’t go wrong with any kind, but I suggest a baguette. The French bread is tough on the outside while chewy and moist on the inside. Its interesting textures make an incredible vessel for that spectacular filling. And if you have the time, this one-hour French bread recipe is a game-changer. It’s so good; you might forget to add the chicken salad!

6. Chips

Chips and sandwiches are always a perfect match. Sandwiches are soft while chips are crispy – so they balance each other out flawlessly. Plus, the combination of salty and creamy is just downright fantastic. When it comes to chicken sandwich salad, it doesn’t matter if the chips are baked, fried, or store-bought. All of them work well with the entrée! Of course, if you want something slightly healthy, these homemade, baked chips are the way to go. Or, if you want to go another way, try these insanely crunchy Air Fryer kale chips.

7. Dill Pickles

Dill pickles are perfect with a chicken salad sandwich because they’ve got all the flavors and textures that the entrée doesn’t: crisp, spicy, tangy. Together, they make a fantastic partnership!  And sure, you can easily get store-bought dill pickles, but why not try to learn something new this time? Make your own dill pickles at home, and I promise it will give you a different level of satisfaction.  Plus, you can adjust the flavors however you like!

8. Macaroni Salad

Chicken salad is already rich and creamy, so you might wonder why I added another rich and creamy side dish to this list. Well, hear me out. Unlike the chicken salad dressing, which is mostly mayo, a macaroni salad has vinegar in it, giving it the right amount of creamy and tangy. Together, they make a beautiful medley of flavors! And if you make enough, you can eat it all week with everything from chicken and pork to BBQ.

9. Bacon Potato Soup

Bread and thick soup always go well together. Just picture dipping your chicken salad sandwich into a hot bowl of bacon potato soup – doesn’t that sound awesome? (Wow, my stomach just started growling the moment I typed that!) Bacon potato soup is loaded with so much goodness – you’ve got crisp and smoky bacon, ooey-gooey creamy cheese, and soft and starchy potatoes. Together with the scrumptious sandwich, you’ve got one helluva filling meal.

10. Butternut Squash Soup

If you want something sweeter than potato soup, how about this delicious butternut squash soup? It’s also thick and creamy but has a sweet flavor that balances out the richness of the chicken salad sandwich. What a fabulous pair!

11. Ambrosia Fruit Salad 

You don’t necessarily need a savory side to make your chicken salad sandwich a complete meal, ya know. So, how about a sweet and tasty dessert instead? Since the sandwich is heavy, I suggest something refreshing to balance things out. And a bowl of ambrosia fruit salad perfectly fits the description. It’s got the ideal balance of sweet and tangy and fresh and creamy. In short, it’s phenomenal! To make ambrosia fruit salad, just combine mandarin orange slices, crushed pineapple, shredded coconut, marshmallows, and whipped cream. Now that’s what I call heaven.

12. Peach Iced Tea

Don’t just serve water with your chicken salad sandwich! This sandwich yearns for the companionship of a cold beverage during the summer to combat the sweltering heat. But you don’t want high-calorie soda. So instead, try this insanely flavorful peach iced tea. It uses fresh, ripe peaches for maximum flavor. And you can’t deny it looks stunning!

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