You need not go out to eat to have them because this recipe makes the most excellent copycat of the well-loved classic. Texas Roadhouse rolls are the epitome of dinner rolls. They’re so soft and fluffy that they almost melt in your mouth. And the flavor? Oh boy. It’s sweet, salty, buttery, and downright delicious. Dinner rolls make such a fantastic addition to any meal, so why not learn to make them yourself? If this is your first time making bread, don’t worry. I’m here with you, every step of the way.  Just be sure to double or triple the recipe, because I guarantee you, these rolls will disappear in minutes.

Texas Roadhouse Rolls

If you’ve ever been to Texas Roadhouse, then you know exactly how delicious their dinner rolls are. These tasty square-shaped buns are perhaps the most popular item in the restaurant, and I completely understand why.   Served warm and smothered in honey cinnamon butter, these rolls are absolutely to die for. Apart from being insanely soft and fluffy, they’re also packed with flavor. They’re sweeter than most rolls, but they also have a mild saltiness that balances out the flavor overall. Whether you eat them as a starter, a side, or a main dish — it doesn’t matter. They will still be outstanding.  These guys are so addictive that I made it a mission to replicate them. And thanks to this recipe, I get to enjoy the goodness of Texas Roadhouse rolls in the comfort of my home. Plus, the smell of freshly baked dinner rolls is just sublime.  If you’re making bread for the first time, this copycat recipe is the perfect place to start. It will probably seem intimidating to you. But trust me, it’s not that complicated.  Don’t be afraid to knead and roll — it’s actually very easy. And sure, it takes a lot of time, but that’s just because dough needs time to rise. That requires no effort on your part.  I’m telling you, once you’ve learned how to make these rolls, you’ll make them again and again. And again.


What I love about making bread is that it calls for the most basic pantry ingredients. I’m pretty sure you already have these on hand! Yeast. This copycat recipe calls for active dry yeast, but you can also use instant yeast if that’s what you have. Just be sure to follow the instructions below. Water. This has to be lukewarm, at 100 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature is crucial for activating the yeast. Use a thermometer to ensure accurate temperature. Granulated Sugar. Texas Roadhouse rolls are uniquely sweet, making sugar a key ingredient. It also helps in proofing the yeast. Milk. Whole milk is best because it yields super tender rolls. But you can also use 2% or skim milk. Just like the water, you’ll want the milk to be lukewarm to help activate the yeast. But you also need to scald it beforehand. I’ll explain this in detail in a bit. Butter. It makes the rolls ultra-rich and buttery. Yum. Butter is added in the dough and brushed on top of the baked rolls for maximum flavor. All-purpose flour. Bread flour is great, but all-purpose flour works just as fine. In fact, the difference in taste and texture isn’t even that evident. Eggs. It enhances the overall flavor and texture of the rolls. Salt. To balance out the sweetness of the bread. 

Tips for the Best Rolls

Add just the right amount of flour. This part is tricky because this depends on the weather where you live. Start with just a few cups and gauge from there. You’ll want the dough to be soft, but not sticky. It shouldn’t stick to your fingers when you pull away.The eggs must be at room temperature. Otherwise, your dough might not rise. If you weren’t able to take them out of the fridge on time, just submerge them in warm water for 2 minutes and they will warm up nicely.Do not substitute white granulated sugar for any other sugar. It’s crucial to achieving the signature flavor of Texas Roadhouse rolls.It is much easier to use the stand mixer when making bread. But in a pinch, you can knead with your hands. Do so on a flat surface dusted with flour. Knead the dough by pushing it down, then outward with your hands. Fold it in half, press it down, then repeat the process until the dough is smooth and satiny. Want clean slices? Use a sharp chef’s knife or a serrated knife when slicing. Make swift sweeping motions so you don’t squash the rolls. 

Why is Kneading Important?

You’ve probably noticed that all bread-making recipes call for kneading the dough. But why is it such an integral step? Kneading creates structure in the dough. Without this process, your dough won’t get that soft and cushion-like consistency. Flour has two proteins that, when combined a certain way, creates gluten. Gluten is what makes your bread soft and elastic.  Before kneading, the proteins in the flour are positioned in a random pattern. But once you knead the dough, the proteins are rearranged, thereby forming gluten.  To check if you have kneaded the dough enough, perform the “windowpane” test. Take a small amount of dough and stretch it using your fingers and thumb. It should look like a glass windowpane when stretched, and shouldn’t break. If it breaks, then you need to knead some more. 

How to Make the Dough Rise

Like it or not, you must let your dough rest for some time to make it rise. Dough rises well in a warm environment, so you’ll want to let it sit in the warmest area of your house, such as near a window that gets a lot of sunlight.  But if this isn’t an option for you, here are other ways you can help give your dough that necessary lift.

  1. Preheat the oven to 315 degrees Fahrenheit and place the bowl of dough on top of, not inside the oven. 
  2. Pour boiling water into a baking tray and place it at the bottom rack of the oven. Place the bowl of dough on top of the tray and close the oven door.

How and Why to Scald the Milk

You’ve likely seen scalded milk in some recipes and wondered what it means. Scalding milk is heating milk just before it reaches a boiling point or at a temperature between 180 to 185 degrees Fahrenheit.  There are several reasons scalding milk is important in cooking. For one, it makes it easier to dissolve sugar, butter, and other solid ingredients. It also absorbs more flavor from vanilla, cinnamon, and other flavor agents.  Fun fact: Back in the day, when pasteurized milk wasn’t a thing yet, milk was scalded to kill harmful germs and bacteria living in it.  But commercially sold milk is now pasteurized, so is scalding necessary? You may not like it because it’s such an annoying added step; but yes, it is. Milk contains whey protein that weakens the gluten in flour, preventing the dough from rising. Scalding the milk deactivates this protein, making sure this won’t happen. But you can’t use piping hot milk for this recipe either, because it will kill the yeast. That’s why you need to let the milk cool slightly until it reaches 100-105 degrees Fahrenheit. To ensure accurate temperature, use a thermometer. In a rush? You can cool down scalded milk faster by rubbing some ice cubes around the pot or bowl.

Can I Use Instant Yeast?

This recipe calls for active dry yeast, but you can definitely use instant yeast as well. The only difference is that you need not activate it the way you would active yeast.  So, no need to stir it with warm water and sugar and wait until it foams up. Just mix it in with the rest of the ingredients and proceed.

How To Proof Yeast

Proofing is the process of testing the viability of dry yeast. This is a crucial step because yeast is responsible for making the bread rise.  If your yeast is nearing its expiration date, you better check if it’s still active. Don’t worry, it’s simple. Here’s how: Dissolve one package of yeast and a teaspoon of sugar in ¼ cup of warm water (110 degrees Fahrenheit). Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes. If it starts to bubble, the yeast is still potent and usable. Otherwise, throw it out. Tip: to help yeast stay potent for longer, keep it in the fridge. 

Storage and Freezing of Texas Roadhouse Rolls

These copycat rolls will keep well at room temperature for up to 5 days. Just be sure to store them in an airtight container. If you want them to last much longer, the freezer is your best option. Just place them in an airtight container or a freezer-safe bag and freeze up to three months.  Thaw on the counter and reheat in the oven at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for 5 to 10 minutes. Do not reheat yeast rolls in the microwave, otherwise, they will be too tough and dry. You can also prep the rolls in advance, freeze, and bake whenever. Bake the rolls for 12 minutes, let them cool and pop them in the freezer.  When ready to serve, wrap the rolls in aluminum foil and pop them in the oven. The aluminum foil will prevent them from drying out. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 5 to 10 minutes or until heated through.

Honey Cinnamon Butter

Texas Roadhouse Rolls is not the same without its signature honey cinnamon butter. It gives the rolls a touch of sweetness and creaminess that makes them even more irresistible. Good thing it’s easy to make from scratch!  All you need are unsalted butter, cinnamon, honey, and powdered sugar. Whip those all together in a hand mixer and voila! You’ll have one heck of a spread. Apart from the rolls, you can also slather this butter on baguettes, bagels, and other breads! Click on a star to rate it!

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