Every home cook has to have a recipe for old-fashioned pancakes in their repertoire. If you don’t have one yet, feel free to use this one. These pancakes are as soft, buttery, and fluffy as can be! And I promise you, making pancakes on your own isn’t as intimidating as you think it is. It’s just a matter of whisking together a few ingredients, and voila, your batter is ready for the griddle. Don’t worry, if this is your first time, I’m here with you every step of the way. With all my tips and guidelines, your pancakes will be a guaranteed success. Looking for the perfect weekend breakfast? The search is over! Nothing beats the goodness of these old-fashioned pancakes.

Old-Fashioned Pancakes

Have you always relied on Bisquick and Aunt Jemima to make pancakes? Try making them from scratch, and you’ll be rewarded. Sure, it calls for a few extra steps than using a box mix, but they’re a breeze! And OMG, the results are undeniably better.  These old-fashioned pancakes are the definition of breakfast perfection. They’re light, airy, and sensationally fluffy.  Infused with milk and butter, their flavor doesn’t disappoint, either. They’re rich and slightly sweet, with just a touch of saltiness for contrast. Whether you drizzle them with maple syrup, top them with fresh fruits and berries, or slather them with loads of butter, you can’t go wrong. 

What Makes Pancakes Fluffy and Moist?

Some pancake recipes call for buttermilk, others require you to beat the egg whites separately until they form stiff peaks. For this recipe, all you’ll need is baking powder. It’s the leavening agent that will make your pancakes rise into tall, cloud-like, fluffy treats. That said, be sure to use fresh baking soda, otherwise, your pancakes will be flat and thin. If the baking soda is still in the box, check the label for its expiration date.  If it’s in a different container, check if it’s still potent by mixing it with water. The mixture should start to foam up right upon contact. If it doesn’t, it’s time to get a new box. Now, if you don’t have baking powder on hand, you can substitute it with 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda. This creates 1 teaspoon of baking powder substitute. Since the recipe calls for 3 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder, just adjust the measurement to yield the required amount. Another tip is to mix the wet and dry ingredients separately. This will prevent you from over-mixing the batter, which is the number one culprit of tough and dry pancakes.

Should You Let Pancake Batter Rest? 

It’s not an essential step, but if you want your pancakes to be extra fluffy, you definitely should. Giving the batter 30 minutes to rest will allow the baking soda to reach its full rising potential.  As mentioned, the baking soda is responsible for making pancakes rise. If it’s at its peak, it can only mean great things for your flapjacks.


All-Purpose Flour – The base of the batter that gives the pancakes its structure. I always use all-purpose flour when making pancakes, but you can also try oat or wheat flour for a healthier alternative. The measurements should be the same.Baking Powder – The secret to making pancakes ultra-fluffy! Be sure your baking powder is fresh, otherwise, your pancakes won’t rise.Granulated Sugar – For a little bit of sweetness. I use granulated sugar in this recipe, but any sweetener works. Salt – A dash of salt will counterbalance the sweetness. If you think 1 teaspoon is too much, adjust accordingly.Milk – You’ll need a liquid ingredient to moisten the dry, and milk works best, here. Not only does it do the job finely, but it also adds richness and flavor to the pancakes. Be sure the milk is either warm or at room temperature. Cold milk will solidify the melted butter. 

Whole milk is the best option for me, because it provides maximum flavor. You can also use buttermilk for buttermilk pancakes, though. Or, for healthier pancakes, go for non-dairy milk like almond or cashew milk.

Egg – Regular eggs work, but if you’re looking for a healthier alternative, a flaxseed mixture will also work. Just combine 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed and 2 1/2 tablespoons of water. Let it sit until it thickens into an egg white-like mixture. Melted Butter – For flavor and moistness. Some recipes use oil, but butter adds richness to pancakes like no other.

Tips for Making The Best Pancakes 

Homemade pancakes are a snap to make, but if you want to seal your success, keep the following tips in mind:

Do not over-mix the batter. I can’t stress this enough. An overly mixed batter will create flat and tough pancakes, which no one wants. That’s why it’s important to mix the wet and dry ingredients separately, as it prevents you from mixing too much.

Once the dry and wet ingredients are combined, be very gentle when mixing. Stop as soon as you don’t see streaks of flour anymore. Lumps are perfectly fine! They’ll disappear during cooking.

Sift the dry ingredients twice to make extra light and fluffy pancakes.Be sure the dairy ingredients are at room temperature. Cold eggs and milk will solidify the melted butter.Whip the egg whites separately. This is the secret to making those trendy Japanese souffle pancakes! Whisk them with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form, and then gently mix it into the batter.Invest in a griddle, especially if you love pancakes. Trust me, it’s worth it. It makes tastier pancakes with a lovely crispy crust. A large griddle can also cook up to 6 pancakes at once – so just imagine how much more efficient it is!Preheat the griddle or pan before pouring in the pancake batter. Heat it over medium heat, and then reduce it to medium-low right before adding the batter. A cold griddle or pan will result in greasy pancakes, while a hot one will burn them. The perfect temperature is 350 degrees Fahrenheit. If you have an instant-read thermometer, better.If you don’t have a thermometer, you can test if your pan is hot enough by sprinkling a bit of water onto it. It’s ready when the water sizzles right away.You can use either oil or butter to grease the griddle or pan. If you use butter, just keep in mind that it browns after a while, so you’ll need to wipe the pan with a paper towel and grease it again. Otherwise, your pancakes will brown too much.Wait for bubbles to start forming on the surface of the pancake before flipping it over. Also, use your wrist to flip, not your elbow. It may be a bit tricky at first, but you’ll get used to it.Flip the pancakes only once and don’t press the batter with a spatula, hoping it would cook faster. This’ll flatten the flapjacks.Have leftovers? Place cooled pancakes in an air-tight container and refrigerate for up to 3 days. Or, freeze them in a freezer-safe bag with a layer of parchment paper in between for up to 3 months. Microwave them to reheat.Flavor additions:A splash of vanilla goes a long way.Cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice – ideal for fall.Serving suggestionsButter and maple syrup – nothing beats the classic!Fresh strawberries and a dusting of powdered sugar on top and strips of crisp bacon on the side – the perfect balance of light and decadent.Nuts – these can be mixed in with the pancake batter, sprinkled on top, or both. Pecans, walnuts, almonds, cashews – pick your favorite.Bananas and peanut butter – I’m drooling just thinking about it.Chocolate chips – like the nuts, these can go in the batter and/or be sprinkled on top. It’s perfect for the kids!

Tip: when adding toppings to the batter, do so once the batter is already on the griddle. Adding them to the batter while it’s still in the bowl will only make them sink to the bottom.

How to Keep Pancakes Warm 

If you have a large griddle, then you can easily cook five pancakes at once. But if all you have is a medium-sized pan, how will you keep the pancakes warm while the rest are still cooking? Don’t rush the cooking! This is where the oven comes in handy.  Just preheat it to 200 degrees Fahrenheit and place all the cooked pancakes there. It will keep them nice and hot while you’re busy flipping.

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