After a busy day, nothing will make you feel more relaxed than a cold, frozen mudslide.  It’s a dessert, a drink, and a cocktail all in one. This version is made extra creamy and chocolatey, too! It’s seriously delicious. Don’t be deceived by its sweet flavor, though! It might look and taste like a milkshake, but its alcohol content is so strong, one glass is enough to get you buzzed.  Enjoy a glass of frozen mudslide and unwind with family and friends. You deserve it.

Frozen Mudslide 

A frozen mudslide is an indulgent cocktail every chocoholic will love. Think of it as a mocha milkshake, but infused with booze. Made with vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, and crushed ice, it’s a creamy and dreamy drink every dessert lover will enjoy. Its sheer chocolatey goodness will make it difficult not to finish the whole thing within 5 minutes, but be sure to control yourself. This drink also contains three types of alcohol, so it definitely packs a punch. That said, this frozen mudslide is a perfect stress reliever, especially after a crazy work week! It only takes one glass to make you feel all relaxed and ready for the weekend.

What Is a Mudslide? 

A mudslide is a popular cocktail made with vodka, cream, and coffee liqueur. It’s similar to the White Russian but creamier and more potent. Instead of dairy cream, the mudslide uses Irish cream.  The brand of Irish cream typically used is Baileys. For the coffee liqueur, Kahlua is the most common. There are other varieties, of course, but those two are the usual suspects. Since it contains coffee liqueur, this cocktail is caffeinated. But with only under 4 milligrams of caffeine, you’ll barely even feel it. For reference, a cup of coffee has somewhere around 100 to 200 milligrams of caffeine. The mudslide is often served with ice cubes, but this recipe tweaks things a little bit for an even creamier experience.  Instead of just the three types of alcohol, you’ll add ice cream and chocolate syrup into the mix. It makes the cocktail even more phenomenal – like a milkshake for adults.


Ice Cubes – You’ll want to use ice cubes and not crushed ice. It’s important for the ice to stay frozen until you’re ready to blend. If you use crushed ice or crush the ice cubes beforehand, it’ll just melt right before you can even add in the rest of the ingredients.Vanilla Ice Cream – Pick your favorite brand! I prefer the creaminess of Haagen Dazs. You can also use chocolate instead of vanilla. For a thicker cocktail, add 3 scoops instead of just 2.Vodka – Pick your favorite! You can’t go wrong with regular vodka, but you can also switch things by using the flavored kind. I personally love caramel vodka!Baileys Irish Cream – Carolan’s and RumChata are good options as well. In a pinch, just combine Irish Whiskey and cream.Kahlua – This coffee liqueur is made of Arabica coffee, sugar, and rum. It’s the same liqueur added to White Russian and Espresso Martini. Sheridan’s Coffee Liqueur or Tia Maria make great alternatives.Chocolate Syrup – It’s blended with the rest of the ingredients, but you can also garnish the glass walls with it. Any brand works. Whipped Cream and Chocolate Sprinkles – Both optional, but highly recommended. They add an extra layer of flavor and charm!

How Do You Make A Mudslide From Scratch? 

Start by placing the serving glass in the freezer. This helps keep the cocktail frozen and cold for longer. Let it sit there for a good 20 minutes before you start. In a blender, add the ice cream, vodka, Irish cream, coffee liqueur, and chocolate syrup. Blend until the mixture is nice and smooth.  Before pouring, you can decorate the walls of the serving glass with chocolate syrup. Pour the mixture into the glass. You can serve it at this point, but you can also freeze it for 5 to 10 minutes to make it extra cold and thick.  For a prettier presentation and added flavor, top with whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles, and even more chocolate syrup.

Tips for the Best Drink 

You’ll crush ice for this cocktail, so you need a good-quality blender that can do the job.Use a jigger to easily measure the alcohol. A measuring glass works, too.No need for expensive vodka for this drink because most of the flavor will come from the ice cream, chocolate syrup, Irish cream, and coffee liqueur. Any affordable brand of vodka will work. Brandy is also a good alternative.Try espresso, chocolate, vanilla, raspberry, or caramel vodka for extra flavor.Use good-quality ice cream. The flavor of the cocktail depends on it! Haagen Dazs delivers great results. For a lighter option, use sugar- or fat-free ice cream. Are you lactose-intolerant? That’s not a problem! Simply swap the ice cream and heavy cream with non-dairy alternatives. Use Bailey’s Almande instead of the regular kind.For added charm, dip the rim of the glass with chocolate syrup. While you’re at it, dip it in graham cracker crumbs, too!To counter the sweetness, sift some unsweetened cocoa powder on top of the cream.For added texture, garnish the cocktail with milk chocolate chips.Instead of vodka, use a blended Scotch whisky. This little switcheroo creates a different variation called the aggravation or teacher’s pet. 

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