Top them off with a bit of warm maple syrup, a dollop of whip cream, and you’ve got a melt-in-your-mouth breakfast that the whole family will love. And to make things easier, there are mixes that combine all the necessary dry ingredients for you, so there’s less work and clean up in the kitchen. Pancake mixes like Aunt Jemima make it so you have about half the ingredients to gather and measure. Plus, there’s often a recipe on the box to make it even easier to get delicious pancakes every time.  Aunt Jemima has a great pancake mix, plus a delicious recipe for banana walnut pancakes to boot. This recipe is easy, so yummy, and will have your family asking for seconds. In fact, if you don’t show them the box, they’ll think that you made your flapjacks totally from scratch and will be asking for your recipe!

Tips & Tricks for Making the Best Pancakes

Here are some of my best tips anad tricks for making the best pancakes, whether from a box or not!

When combining the wet and dry ingredients, don’t get too crazy with the stirring. Try to just gently fold the mixture. If you overdo the stirring, it can over-develop the gluten making your pancakes too dense and tough.It’s okay if there are still some lumps in the mixture. Let it rest for a minute before you start pouring on the griddle, then do one more fold over, and some of the bigger lumps will dissipate.If you’re really worried about lumps, you can always try sifting the pancake mix before stirring in the wet ingredients. Most experts recommend holding the sifter about 18 inches above the bowl to maximize results.Don’t try to make your pancakes too big, that makes them harder to flip, and there’s a chance the center won’t cook as good as the rest of the cake.Here’s a super secret tip I learned recently: beat your egg whites before folding them into the mixture for extra fluffy pancakes! Side note: some box mix recipes don’t even call for eggs, but this is an essential ingredient for perfect pancakes, so don’t leave them out.If your pancake mix has been sitting in your pantry for a long time, it may have lost some of its rising power. Add in a little extra baking powder to make sure your pancakes don’t get flat and boring. Use baking soda if you are using buttermilk instead of regular milk.Add in Vanilla or Almond Extract for a fun pop of flavor. You can also add in some spices such as cinnamon, pumpkin spice, or zest from your favorite citrus.For especially fluffy and moist pancakes, add in some Ricotta Cheese. Yum!Adding in mashed bananas, applesauce, or yogurt can make your pancakes a little healthier. You can also try some ground up nuts or flaxseed as a replacement for some of the flour mixture.

How to Flip The Perfect Pancake

If you’re new to pancake-making, here’s how to know when to flip your pancakes!  Watch the bubbles and the edges. The edges should be set and look a little more dry than the interior. Additionally, there should be a lot of bubbles and some should be starting to pop.  Also, resist the urge to squish your pancake with your spatula after you flip. This makes your pancakes flat. You want air in there for fluffy pancakes! When they’re ready, quickly flick your wrist 180 degrees to one side. No need to use your whole arm. A quick flick of the wrist will do the job. Next, just watch the other side and when it gets golden brown, you’re good to go. 

Tasty Pancake Toppings

No one wants a plain pancake! Even just some butter and maple syrup will be delicious. But here’s some more unique and tasty toppings for your next pancake breakfast:

Fresh fruit! Berries, kiwis, citrus, bananas… you really can’t go wrong with putting fresh fruit on your flapjacks.For a fun crunch, add in some nuts!Chocolate chocolate chocolate. Whether you go with Nutella or chocolate chips, pancakes taste great with a little bit of chocolate.To make special pancakes for the kids, try sprinkles or food coloring to make breakfast more exciting.If your pancakes are a little dry, you need some more syrup. Maple, caramel, chocolate, or fruity – all syrup is good to me.Basically any breakfast side can go on a pancake – peanut butter, yogurt, bacon, anything goes!

Can You Freeze Pancakes?

If you or your family are prone to rushed, hurried mornings, frozen pancakes can be a great solution. Simply cook your pancakes, and then freeze! You can either put parchment paper in between each pancake and then freeze as a stack, or you can flash freeze them on a baking sheet. Either way, make sure they are in an airtight container or Ziploc bag.  To reheat, take them out the night before to thaw, or just pop them in the microwave for a few seconds. It should be about 20 seconds for one pancake, adding 5-10 seconds more for each pancake you’re thawing/reheating.

How to Make Aunt Jemima Pancakes

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